Entry way to our ceremony and reception site. The first time we went to look at it I was sold from the second we got on the property! Really beautiful resorts and the staff were wonderful to work with. Plus, the food was great - how often can you say that about a wedding?!

Stupid straps! Those were "ditched" not long after this photo was taken! lol ;)

The girls :) My biological sister and 2 of my sorority sisters.

Flowers - gerber daisies (my favourites!), stephanotis, blue tweedia (small blue star-shaped flowers), and blue delphinium.

The boys... such a funny photo! Look at the ring-bearer... lol ;)

This was our wedding car - really brilliant! It's my father-in-law's '39 Chevy (the thing has won all kinds of awards in car shows!). My dad drove me up to the ceremony in it - it was one of the biggest hits of the whole day! Think it got more attention than hubby and I! lol ;) So much better than a boring old white limo!

Finally, it's time to go!

The look on my dad's face is classic...

Looks like hubby is trying to pull me away! Lol.. "Hurry up already! She's mine now!" ;)

The backs of the BM dresses.

The unity candle - we had both sets of parents come up to light the two blue tapers then we lit our big white candle from each of our parents' candles. We just got the candles at Yankee Candle and the vases at Wholesale Flowers in San Diego.

Would you believe it rained the night before our wedding?! It turned out to be such a gorgeous day...

Our other wedding car - my sister-in-law (hubby's sister) had a red convertible Mustang (I LOVE Mustangs) that she was using as a rental car while in SD... we had to take some photos in it ;)

You can't really see it, but we were in front of the Chevy... we were going to get some plastic guns and do this whole old-school gangster thing but we forgot the guns! Oh well, we still had fun! ;)

Chinese Lion Dancers - Hubby and I both do kung fu so we asked some of the instructors at the school to do a traditional Lion Dance for us. We kept it a surprise from our families/guests so it was a huge hit :)

Ceremony Music:
*Prelude - I can't remember! It was something "churchy" even though it wasn't a church wedding ;)
*Mothers' Processional - Canon in D (Pachelbel)
*Bridesmaids' Processional - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Bach)
*Brides' Processional - Bridal Chorus (Wagner), hello! what else?! :)
*Recessional - Wedding March (Mendelssohn)
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