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For Week One, I am supposed to do three workouts that are all the same. You go out and walk for 5 minutes at a brisk pace then alternate 60 seconds of jogging with 90 seconds of walking for 20 minutes.
I just went out and ran around my townhouse complex since I just didn't feel like driving to the gym! Besides, I'm not too crazy about the "gym culture" esp. not at the one I've been going to! The clientele are a bit much..!
It was really nice - I think I ran a bit more than I was supposed to because I kept getting into these little jogging "grooves" and didn't want to stop... that's a good thing, though! Plus, it was really hard to try to count seconds while doing my breathing exercises so I don't get a cramp in my side! Have to invest in a stop watch...
The only problem I had was that my old running shoes suck! :( They weren't cheap - New Balance - nice pair of shoes so I'm a bit pissed! I have had them a while (but they aren't worn out) and they've always rubbed at my heels (my heels have been slipping in them)...
I've been on this kick for the last couple years now that I'm going to start running. I always enjoy it but have just never been able to stick with it! I think these damn shoes have been part of the problem! lol... They hurt so much that I just haven't wanted to wear them...
Well, yesterday I just sucked it up and just kept going. When I got home I had rubbed a huge amount of skin off my right heel :( Left heel hurt a bit but was not badly "torn up." Immediately emailed my runner dad. The email went something like the following:
I've decided to start running (again!). I went out this morning just for this little run following this plan I found but my shoes are killing my feet! I've rubbed all sorts of skin off my heel and it hurts like hell. Any suggestions on what I can do to help prevent this? Maybe some kind of insert/band-aid/wearing two pairs of socks/anything?!
I had a few more running shoe-related questions but can't quite remember what they were. Anyway, he actually ended up phoning me a couple hours later and spent 25/30 minutes going over shoes and feet with me! :) So great having runners in the family! Told me it was a size problem and that I might want to buy an insole to put under the shoe insole. Thought about that and then I asked him about this running shoe store that we have here in San Diego. His answer to the running shoe store was quite funny: "Oh, yes, well, I wasn't going to suggest that since you will end up paying a bit more there than you would anywhere else but I'm glad you brought it up!" He then proceeded to talk about this place and sing its praises for at least 15 minutes :) He told me all about pronating and that my feet were probably over-pronating (no idea how to spell that!) and that the Roadrunner place would do this whole diagnostic thing to help me find a pair of shoes that actually fit.
So, I decided to go down there today and explain what has been going on/try to find a decent pair of shoes. They were so helpful! My goodness - so nice to find a store full of people who actually have a clue as to what they are talking about! The diagnostic thing was fun :) They had you walk over this mat that showed where you were putting pressure on your feet (sure enough, I am a total over-pronator! lol) which is probably not helped by my dancer-esque frame (long legs, high arches, narrow feet)... Then I had to run on the treadmill for a bit so the machine could see how I run and do some more foot pressure things. Very cool all this technology! :) He then gave me three shoe recommendations and recommended some in-soles to go with them.
So, 1.5 hours and $160 later, I am the proud owner of a new pair of shoes! :) They feel great - even with my messed up heel! Oh, and I didn't spend the whole $160 on shoes - $30 of that was for the insoles and another $22 was for these blister-preventing socks... I'm sure I got suckered into buying the $22 socks but if they help this heel thing then oh well! And if they don't really work then it's no great loss :)
I can't wait to go out for a second run tomorrow with my new toys! lol I really want to go out tonight but my heel is still bothering me (I actually had to take my shoes off for tai chi last night - thank heavens we were inside on the mat!) so I think I'll give it a day off and go out in the morning :)
Oh! Here's some "running shoe porn" for you ;)
Don't say I never give you anything!
1 comment:
Instead of counting seconds you can use Robert's podcasts; he tells you when to get moving and when to slow down. It really helped me stay motivated!
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