Tuesday, July 17, 2007


No, not the shoes... I don't get excited over that kind of boots until at least early October :) I'm talking about the British pharmacy shop with the same name...!

So exciting - I was at Target yesterday stocking up on cleaning supplies (and a couple random impulse buys! Target is dangerous..!) and found myself in the cosmetics aisle (I really did have a reason to be there!) Well, as I was leaving I walked down an aisle and found a whole row of Boots products. I actually had to pinch myself to make sure it wasn't fake.. lol The ones in England are a bit of a mini Sephora - they sell all kinds of items from other companies - but also have their own line. The Target aisle was all Boots-brand product.
So much good stuff; shame I didn't *need* any of it...
Here's a link to the British website.
and a link to Target's site with the products they stock.

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