Monday, July 16, 2007

Tai Chi

Well, tonight is my second observation with the sifu (head instructor) before I get to test for my purple fringe... Pretty exciting! I just hope he doesn't ask to see my sabre (sword form) since I haven't practiced it in a while! oops! From what my instructor has been telling me, he should only want to see the fan form and the long form (maybe not even the whole 108 steps since sifu already saw part of it and the sabre during the last observation).

I am just so ready to test and start learning something new! I love tai chi - it's probably my favourite hobby - I am just started to get a bit bored with this material... Maybe if I actually practiced outside of the school I'd be done by now! lol ;) I've been working on the fan form and the long form since I got my green fringe so it's been about a year and a half now (yeah, yeah, I'm slow..) and I really want to do something different! I'm not even sure what I'll learn at purple fringe... I think it's another sword form - the longer gim (straight sword) form which should be fun - and a hand form (the 48 combo form or something like that).

Hopefully my observation tonight will go well and I won't have too many little details to fix!! ;)

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