Friday, June 29, 2007

The gas/electric bill

Normally I have no complaints about the gas/electric company here in San Diego. Well, except that I'm a bit miffed that they are really the only one we have available to us so it's a bit of a monopoly but whatever...
Anyway, I'm the one who pays the electric bill in our house (we have separate accounts and split up the bills when we first got married/I write him a check for my portion of the mortgage). This month we got this weird bill - $13! I thought.. "dang! That's nice! It's like being back in my little one-bedroom apartment when I didn't have cable and was rarely home" (my electric bill was TINY!) I actually drew a big smiley face (can't help it - I'm a teacher!) on the bill and stuck it on the fridge... lol
I was all happy about my cute little $13 electric bill, even if there was a rather odd note attached to it. Here's the basics of what the "odd note" had to say:
Dear Customer:
"Occasionally, our meter readers are not able to read our customers' meters due to locked gates, unrestrained dogs, or other circumstances preventing access. When this happens, bills are processed using estimated meter readings that are verified when we are able to obtain actual meter readings."
It blabs on to say something along the lines of we have estimated your bill based on previous readings/bills and have adjusted it to reflect on recent energy use.. blah blah blah
So, yesterday I got another bill! This second one was much more like our usual bills! Guess they took care of those "unrestrained dogs and locked gates" (neither of which we have since this is a townhouse complex!)
Kind of stinks that I have to pay them again... :( Oh well, it's not very expensive since we don't use too much power (I'm working on "training" DH to be a bit more of a greenie!)

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