Friday, June 15, 2007

Casa de Mark & Gillian

Well, there it is! Casa de us :) Attractive fire hydrant, huh?! Oh well, probably a nice thing to have right in front of your house!
It's supposed to be getting painted soon (the HOA people just sent out a thingy saying the trim and front door would be painted... we're also supposed to get new garage doors - the sectional ones, not the one-piece one like we have) so no doubt, our ridiculous HOA fees will go up!
I'll try to take a new photo soon (sans random red VW) - especially if the paint colour changes!
The tree is nice, but my next door neighbors and the people in the next house down have magnolias outside of their's... I want a magnolia! We can stand on our balcony and have a nice view of our next door neighbor's tree, though, so I guess that counts for something :)

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