Friday, June 15, 2007

Summer Projects

Since I have the summer off from work (yeay!) I have decided to be productive and do a bunch of projects around the house. Here's the list so far... looks like I'll be busy!

Outdoors/yard work:
*Cut back all plants (there are some that are getting a bit unruly! Especially my hibiscus and bougainvillea - gorgeous but they have gone completely aggro!)
*Re-plant ivy leaf geranium - it's in a pot right now, but I'd like to plant it so I can have it grow up a "trellis" kind of thing. I know the ivy leaf ones will do that.
*Pull weeds... ugh... ongoing thing but I really need to get on it soon!
*Find some cute garden accessories - pinwheels and stuff.
*Put some coffee grounds down for my acid-loving plants (hibiscus and bougainvillea)
*Try growing some herbs! I can't wait to do this - I'd like to have mint (I know to keep it in a pot!), basil, cilantro, and parsley. I'm starting with mint - took a cutting from my parents' plant b/c I needed some for a couple recipes. I've got it sitting in water hoping it will root. If not, I'll be off to the nursery. lol
*I want to get a small table and chairs set for the backyard... I like the bar-height ones but have had a lot of trouble finding one :( I also "need" a new one for the front balcony. The one we have came with the house (!) and it is really ugly... can't believe I've kept it for 2 years!
*Find someone who can remove a tree for us.
*I have a purple-flowered thing in the backyard (no idea what it is) that needs to be tied back and supported. It's top-heavy and has "drooped" a bit.

*I have a plant in the dining room that needs to be re-potted. It's gotten way too big for the current pot!
*Fill in the holes in the walls in the garage and give them a fresh coat of paint.
*Get quotes for home insurance and finish taking photos of all our "valuables."
*Clean out the closet in the guest bedroom - yikes!
*Hang some photos in the living room, hallway, dining room. I am having serious "bare wall syndrome!" Good thing they are not all white walls... I'd be in a padded room by now! lol ;)
*Gross, but I have some mold/mildew/something icky in the bathroom above my shower - it's around a small window. Hard to get to, but I really need to get rid of it. Any suggestions - will vinegar kill it?
*Clean the mesh screens on the office and master bedroom sliding doors. Not looking forward to that...
*Thoroughly clean my dryer's lint screen.
*Clean the baseboards throughout the house.
*Sharpen the kitchen knives - ongoing but needs to be done soon!
*Paint the handrails on the stairs (we never did this when we painted the house! They have primer on them, just need to be painted with real paint!)
*Paint the baseboards in the master bedroom. It was the one room we could stand the colour of when we moved in so we never touched any of the paint. The baseboards need to be done, though. The previous owners were not very good painters... ack!

Not really house related:
*I need to finish my wedding scrapbook already! Lol.. it's been two years and that darn thing is only about 1/4 done.

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