Friday, June 29, 2007

Gorgeous Magnolia

Ahhh... I am so jealous of my neighbor's magnolia! I was just out on the balcony - apparently there was a bank robbery in the area (I do not live in a bad part of town!) and SD Police are flying over announcing it so I had to be nosy - and my favourite tree is totally blooming! Here's a photo:

Yes, I'm odd for taking photos of my neighbour's tree... but I have a macro setting on my camera! Not like I was on their property! And besides, it's on the "common ground" in the parking lot of the complex so technically it's not his anyway :) lol

Wish I could get up close enough to smell it - I've heard they smell amazing!

1 comment:

Loribeth said...

I don't think it is the least bit odd to take a picture of a your neighbor's tree! I take pictures of beautiful things no matter where they are!